Sunday, February 5, 2017

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 talks about unemployment. It tells us how to calculate the unemployment rate and the labor participation rate. The unemployment rate is calculated as the number of unemployed people divided by the labor force times one hundred. The labor participation rate is calculated as the labor force divided by the adult population times one hundred. It differentiates between employed, unemployed, and not in the labor force. The labor force consists of employed and unemployed people. The natural rate of unemployment is the normal rate at which the unemployment rate fluctuates. Cyclical unemployment is the drifting of unemployment from its natural rate. Women have been starting to have increasing labor participation rates while the men's decreases because more men are becoming stay at home dads while their wives work, and older men retire earlier and live longer. Discouraged workers are people who would like to work but have given up looking for a job. With regard to minimum wage laws, if the wage is kept above the equilibrium level, the result is unemployment. Unemployment is an imperfect measure. One reason unemployment exists is because of how long it takes for people to find a job that suits their interests and skills. Another reason is that because of minimum wage laws the resulting surplus of labor symbolizes unemployment. A third reason is the market power of unions because they create a surplus of labor. A fourth reason is the theory of efficiency wages, which states that paying employees higher wages increases worker quantity/health and worker effort. Unemployment is not a straightforward problem with simple solution.

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